
Last online: a second ago
Last offline: February 21 (12 seconds)
Latency: 0.0002301

Last online: a second ago
Last offline: August 3, 2021 (4 minutes 48 seconds)
Latency: 0

Last online: a second ago
Last offline: September 8 (46 seconds)
Latency: 0.025563

Last online: a second ago
Last offline: September 11 (1 minute 3 seconds)
Latency: 0.0121341

Last online: a second ago
Last offline: September 23 (12 seconds)
Latency: 0.0016761

Last online: a second ago
Last offline: September 23 (15 seconds)
Latency: 0.019474

This shows the connectivity status of various external networks as seen from CSLab.

Green indicates 'reachable', Red indicates 'not reachable'.

'Last online' is time since the last successful test.
'Last offline' is time since the last unsuccessful test.
'Latency' is the round-trip time of the last test (normally a small fraction of a second).

Click on the desired network for more details, including history.